Who is God?
We have our own thoughts about God. But it’s hard to think about having a daily relationship with the Almighty God. He wants that to change. Continue reading
Which Way Did He Go?
It’s impossible to focus on both Jesus AND circumstances. We have to pick one or the other. And if we choose to focus on circumstances, suddenly it’s as if Jesus is gone. Continue reading
Who is Jesus?
We don’t think about ancients like Caesar or Alexander the Great. Yet people today are laying down their lives to talk about Jesus. Who is He? Continue reading
What Happens To Us When We Die?
We don’t like to think about dying because most of us aren’t sure what’s next. But with the recent devastation and loss of lives, people are starting to wonder. Continue reading
Your Life Story in Six Words
Ernest Hemingway’s legendary shortest story “For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn.” Sad and emotional. What if in six words you could spark hope in someone’s life? Continue reading
On the Road to New Beginnings
No matter where you’ve been, no matter where you are, know that you too can experience the fullness of new life! I’m living proof. Continue reading
This Changes Everything!
We’re stuck. In real life, past hurts, loneliness, dead relationships, debt, depression… But don’t despair, there’s something that changes everything! Continue reading
Who is God to You?
Everyone has their own thoughts about God. But many of us don’t think about having a personal, daily relationship with the Almighty. God wants that to change. Continue reading
When the Road Gets Tough
Keep moving forward. We can’t let fear, doubt, or any other feelings keep us in bondage. By nature, we are survivors. We’ve been given strength to overcome. Continue reading
3 Remedies for Spiritual Dehydration
Ever feel wilted, like you’re thirsting for something more in life? We get weary and need renewal. But we can’t quench our soul-deep thirsts by ourselves. Continue reading
The Last Big Gift
At Christmas we’re like kids again hoping for that one special present. Eyeing the boxes. Noticing there’s one over in the corner. It’s big. Is that for us? Continue reading
Favorite Christmas Cards
In the happy moments, praise God. In the difficult moments, seek God. In the quiet moments, trust God. In every moment, thank God. God is part of our real life. Continue reading
Front Row Parking and Other Needs
It may seem odd to pray for things as trivial as parking, but why not? God can part the seas and raise the dead back to life. Certainly He can provide parking. Continue reading
Who Are You Following?
When we follow someone, we do what they do. We go where they go. And we’ll end up like them. Who are you following? Where are they now? Where can they take you? Continue reading
It’s How We Finish That Matters
When we trust God to train us and sustain us, He will transform us from the inside out. We’ll never be the same again. We will rise above real life to victory. Continue reading
Fabulous or Foolish?
Some people think faith is foolish because they can’t understand it. Before I knew Jesus, I thought people who talked about Him were crazy. Truly loco! Continue reading
Walking, Running, Rushing Through Life
I have a hard time finding time to be leisurely about anything. Jesus never rushed. He never ran ahead. He never said, “I don’t have time for you right now.” Continue reading
When “Doing” Leaves Us Empty
We tend to stress out when pressure’s on. We run ourselves into the ground by “doing”. Then we’re too empty to share meaningful time with those we love. Continue reading
The Beauty of Baptism–Our New Threads
Have you ever seen someone get baptized? What does it mean? I’ve watched baptisms at various churches and each one is different. Some baptize babies and others baptize people who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Some baptize
We Can’t Lose Our Citizenship
Passport to Heaven
What To Do When Jesus Is Coming
Try, Try Again and Again and Again
What’s More Valuable Than 15 Minutes?
Happiness Isn’t Enough
What makes you happy? A special person in your life? A job well done and deserved recognition through a raise or promotion? A fabulous vacation? A cute new pair of shoes? Your child’s smile? A puppy who greets you at
It’s Not About Me – Living With Joy
When was the last time you encountered someone who believes the world revolves around them? They’re actually not that hard to find. We’re living during “Generation Me”, a generation of people who thinks life is all about “Me”. Regardless of
The Missing Puzzle Piece
What’s the hardest jigsaw puzzle you’ve ever done? Most people have worked on at least one puzzle in their life, even if it was a small puzzle with a few huge pieces of Winnie the Pooh or numbers 1-9 when
Swimming The Deep End
Have you ever been in the ocean at night? At first, it’s exhilarating. We feel daring and adventurous swimming the shallow waters between mystery and solid ground. But as clouds darken the sky, there’s no way to see what lurks